#032 - Lame - 2004
When you are a musician, songs are like children in the sense that they are an extension of you. And more often than not, I tend to love most of my songs equally. On occasion, for whatever reason one of my songs hits me in a particular way and I tend to love it a little more. "Lame" is one of those. I'm not sure why. I think it might be that I vividly remember being completely hammered on a Saturday afternoon and remember when it came about by accident or maybe it's because I remember looking at my bedroom wall while we were recording the original version and coming up with the "another shadow on another cracked wall" line which is one of my favorites because it seems to fit with the kind of relationships I tend to fall into or maybe it's because the song has no real chorus. I don't know but I know that I sat on the song for 6 or 7 years before I demoed it again and I'm really happy that it's back in this group. This version is really stripped down but that's intentional because it will probably be an album ender and I wanted to try it in a really raw state (with my pre-production stuff I'm trying to get these as close to how they will end up as possible).
I've now either got 7 or 8 songs in contention for "self-destructor" and three in contention for my new concept jam album called "kittens." It's going to involve lots of over-indulgent jams in the middle of songs you may have previous liked also going to include no less than two instrumentals.
I just had a whoa moment while I was listening to these demos in order because a transition just made me realize I might actually want to make the endings and beginnings match up in a seamless fashion on this thing. I could probably ramble about this for a good 10 pages so I'm going to stop now. Hope you like Lame. Laters!
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