Thursday, June 3, 2010

i'm probably just trying to cleanse myself of these overwhelming fears and regrets

The Reason by m3d1um

#050 - The Reason - 2005

Back in '05 I was working on approximately three albums: Welcome 2 the Nightmare, Emotional Masochism & The Reason. "The Reason" the album was supposed to be more bluesy/psychedelic. Kind of my "Around the World in a Day" in a sense. I had toyed with this song idea for a few years and one day while I was sitting in my bedroom staring out my window at the snow, I wrote that first line and the rest of the song just kind of came together. There's a really shitty version of this recorded and in the hands of some people who I gave it to at the time because I was stoked on it. The Reason project kind of lost steam when I started working on The Gun Show in 2006 but as of late, it's potentially due for a comeback and so I recorded this in the style I had originally intended. We'll see how it all plays out over the course of the 100 demos. Oh also, please note, this is the half-way point to my goal and it hit in May. We are on a good course. Hope you like it.

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