Friday, January 1, 2010

his planets are aligning but the distance to the sun is far too great

The second track is part of a "space opera" thing I started writing a really long time ago and resumed working on this fall. This song actually started off as a completely different tune in 2008 and morphed into this because it was way too personal before. I guess the big thing to say is that it's kind of the climax of the opera where the main character has gone through a ton of really bad shit and watched his whole life dissolve on a quest for something that doesn't really exist and then has this realization that none of that actually matters because expectations are a mechanism that are often self imposed and imaginary. So yeah this is about an awakening of sorts that kind of echoes my own sentiment when I decided to start dropping music to the people. Here are the lyrics:

"A Million Wasted Years"

The universe is spinning

on a tangent

That’s ended up in tears

Your heart’s drum beat is fading

from the wear

of a million wasted years

Your mind is so elastic from the pressure

That pulls

against you every single day

And all the stars are blinking

brand new patterns

Confusing every move along the way

the air is getting thin

the sky begins to bleed

He just can’t seem to find

exactly what he needs

blinded by the moonbeams

not sure who holds the key

It gets so hard to breathe when

you’ve lost your destiny

you’ve lost your destiny

His planets are aligning

but the distance

to the sun is far too great

The world he’s been defining

is eutopia

obscured by running paint

He could try to understand it

if leveled all

the expectation gates

So he’ll wander through the desert

contemplate his life

and wait for fate

the air is getting thin

the sky begins to bleed

He just can’t seem to find

exactly what he need

searching for the secret

to find exactly what he’s supposed to be

It gets so hard to breathe when

you’ve lost your destiny

you’ve lost your destiny

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