Saturday, October 9, 2010

love it doesn't exist...there's no destiny

Destiny Waltz by m3d1um

#102 - Destiny Waltz - 2006

Right after I moved to Seattle I wrote a few songs and then things got kind of dark for a while. During most of 2007, nothing was created. This was one of those final few songs and I didn't write much of it back then but I kept this stripped down and I really like how it turned out. Pretty dark which feeds into my mindset at the time I wrote it and actually the last few weeks. The weather in Seattle has the effect of knocking the chemicals in my brain completely out of whack come October. It's not a pleasant thing but it's a lot easier to handle when you realize that's what's going on. Well, anyway, enough over-sharing. I hope you like the gloomy track in front of you. Honestly, the more I hear this one the more I like it.

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